
Adaptation of Curriculum and Learning Environment

How does the school adapt the curriculum and learning environment for pupils with special educational needs?
Otterton C of E Primary School is required to meet the SEND of the children that we support. We do this by:
  • Ensuring all pupils access high quality teaching, which takes account of pupil’s differing needs.
  • Ensuring a bespoke, tailored and personalised approach for individuals with complex needs.
  • Using our best endeavours to secure the special educational provision required for the pupil needs
  • Making appropriate use of the resources in our delegated budgets to support children and young people with additional needs
  • Identifying early a pupil’s lack of adequate progress and review individual needs. We recognise that some children may only need modifications to the teaching approaches, classroom organisation or provision of ancillary equipment or resources as part of the differentiated curriculum.
  • Differentiating lessons to match the pupil’s level of learning.
  • Having a consistent graduated approach to meeting pupil need by reviewing class teaching, access strategies and removing barriers to learning before developing a more personalised approach
  • Using our knowledge and understanding of the four primary areas of need to plan provision and to focus on interventions that are relevant and evidence-based
  • Referring to the Devon SEND Provision Matrices document for support to tailor provision and to provide an individualised support programme for pupils with more complex needs.
  • Where and when needed, seeking further advice from advisory services and outside agencies regarding strategies for developing practice in order to remove barriers to learning.