
Identification and Assessment of Pupils

- What are the school's policies for the identification and assessment of pupils with special educational needs?
- How does the school know if children need extra help?
- What should I do if I think my child may have special educational needs?
Otterton C of E Primary School identify and assess pupils with SEND by:
- Monitoring the progress of all pupils: some children and young people with SEND can be identified at birth; other difficulties only become evident as children grow and develop.
- Listening to the pupil – via ‘pupil voice’ sessions and pupil conferencing.
- Listening to parent/carers; through formal arrangements and our ‘open-door’ policy.
- Distinguishing between pupils who may need some support within the classroom and within the differentiated curriculum and pupils with Special Educational Needs.
- Identifying barriers to learning using our knowledge and understanding of the four primary areas of need.
The areas of need are:
  • Communication and interaction
  • Cognition and learning
  • Social, emotional and mental health difficulties
  • Sensory and/or physical needs
In consultation with parents, decide whether SEND support is required and carry out further assessment to identify barriers to learning and the nature of their child’s difficulties.
In addition, we:
- Listen to parents/carers and act upon advice and information from them and previous settings at transition points; liaising as necessary to continue the use of successful strategies and approaches
- Provide teaching and support staff with comprehensive guidance in relation to identification processes.
- Have clear processes for staff and parents / carers to raise concerns regarding pupil progress and learning.
- Use a range of appropriate screening and assessment tools to identify needs
- Gather evidence of pupil needs through regular assessment.
- When appropriate, seek advice from our own Inclusion Hub, advisory services and outside agencies including the Educational Psychology Service, CAMHS, Speech and Language Service, Babcock LDP SEND support services etc. in order to gain a better understanding of a pupil’s needs
- Designate a qualified teacher to be responsible for co-ordinating SEND provision (the SEND co-ordinator, or SENDCo), ensuring appropriate experience or qualifications are in place.
- Inform parents/carers when we are making special educational provision for their child and have processes in place for parents/carers to provide feedback on provision.
- Inform pupils when we are making special educational provision for them and have processes in place for the pupils to provide feedback.
- Identify the nature of each pupil’s SEND needs; sometimes a child or young person can have needs in more than one area which requires an individualised approach.
-Regularly review the SEND register and other processes used for identifying and making needs known.
If you have any concerns regarding your child’s progress or well-being, then please speak to either your child’s class teacher or School SENDCo to discuss your concerns.